
We are always in need of volunteers! Here are a few of the ways you can help:

  1. Lend a hand at fundraising events: Whether we are selling our dog treats in a booth, or holding a fundraising event at off-site events, we always need an extra pair of hands!
  2. Photography: The dogs would love your help taking their pictures for our website and facebook page. "Say Cheese!"
  3. Fencing and walkway installation: We will be adding fencing and a proper walkway over the next few years and would love help with the manual labor and the design process.
  4. Dog and puppy "playground" areas: As donations permit, the dogs would like to add equipment that helps them to practice their balance and overcome physical obstacles. Elements of standard playground equipment would help tremendously with this. Let us know if you are willing to help.
  5. Writing invitations and thank you notes: The dogs have trouble holding pens, but they would like to send invitations to special events and send a proper thank you to our donors.
  6. Dog socialization: As the dogs grow and their training progresses, we need to get them out and about and expose them to lots of experiences. Sometimes we will need volunteers to "act" in a situational vignette to help the dogs become confident in their outings.

If you are interested in volunteering in any of these capacities, please complete the "Contact Us" form and mention your areas of interest. As our organization grows, so will our needs. Thank you so very much for your gift of time!

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